August 2010 Letter from the President

Welcome to our Women Police of Alaska webpage!  As we enter the month of August on that downhill slide (although some would question whether summer ever arrived), I hope your summer has been a good one!

Before summer officially ends, we want to have one more get-together opportunity for our members.   We will not be having our customary annual picnic this summer at Rae Arno’s Wildwood Farm in Wasilla due to some schedule conflicts, but I would like to encourage WPA members to attend the Law Enforcement BBQ in Sterling, AK on Saturday, August 28, 2010.  This is the third year this event has been put together by WPA member Terry Vrabec at APSC, and it is co-hosted by the following law enforcement professional associations:  Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police, Alaska Peace Officer Association, FBI National Academy and the Women Police of Alaska.  Lots of food, activities, networking and overnight camping – all for free – are included. I have already RSVP’d for our group.  If you are looking for a ride down, contact me at
You can find a brochure for the event at this link and you can click here for the MapQuest directions.

We had a good turnout at our General Membership meeting and luncheon on May 10, 2010 at the Westmark Hotel in Fairbanks during the annual APOA Crime Conference. If you were unable to make to the General Membership meeting, photos have been posted under the “Photos” link and the minutes from those meetings under the “Minutes” link.  Because of the geographical distances between our members, if you cannot be present at meetings, it is my hope this website becomes a regular way for all of us to keep up with the activities of our association.

We have received applications for our scholarship and after review by our scholarship committee, we will be announcing the winner(s) in a couple of weeks.   Half of the scholarship amounts awarded will be paid from WPA funds, and half from a generous donation from ProComm of Alaska.  You can read more about the WPA scholarship program under the “Scholarships” link.

Board member Andrea Jacobson and I continue to work on the application for a gaming permit for WPA to increase our options for fund-raising and opportunities to fund more programs, including scholarships.  More to come later.

Our next regularly scheduled bi-annual meeting will be during the 2010 Executive Law Enforcement Conference in Anchorage on Wednesday, December during the first week of December.  Please check the link “Meetings and Events” for the exact time and location as December draws closer.  If you have any ideas for projects, fundraising or mentoring for the association, please contact me or one of the board members.  Links to board members’ e-mail are can be found under the “Officers” link.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and stay safe!

Your President
Michele Logan