Lead by Alaska State Trooper Fish and Wildlife Protection Trooper Donna Edmonds (in uniform), Shirley Warner, Anne Newell, Michelle Bales, and Maggie Borrecco donned the costumes for the “Wild About Anchorage” skit and won the bid for the 1985 IAWP Conference in Alaska.
Carol Ann Halliday, Presdient of the IAWP at the podicum recognizing the international attendees. Shirley (Warner) Gifford is on her right as you look at the photo. Anchorage Commissioner of Public Safeyt is seated next to Shirley. In front of Commissioner Franklin is the Region 9 representative, Alaska State Trooper Susan Bell.
Anchorage Police Officer Anne Newell “suggesting” that Sgt. Shirley (Warner) Gifford remove her gum prior to speaking at the reception at the Anchorage Museum of the 1985 IAWP Conference
APD Officer Kathy Gray (Warren) at the 1985 IAWP Conference in Anchorage
Anchorage Police Department Warrants Officer Barbara Burney at a Reception of the 1985 IAWP conference in Anchorage
Trooper Darlene Turner and Safety Bear at the 1985 IAWP Conference in Anchorage
Dottie, with the Internal Revenue Service in Anchorage, helping to plan activities for the attendees of the 1985 IAWP Conference in Anchorage
Anchorage Commissioner of Public Safety John Franklin giving welcoming comments at the 1985 IAWP Conference in Anchorage. Shirley (Warner) Gifford, conference coordinator, is seated. Commissioner Franklin made it possible to obtain seed money for the organization of the charter member of IAWP, the Women Police of Alaska. Unfortunately, Commissioner Franklin died soon after his retirement and never saw that happen.
Penny Harrington, newly appointed Chief of Police (and first woman police chief of a major police department) was the keynote speaker at the 1985 IAWP conference in Anchorage
Anchorage Police Department Sgt. Marilyn Bailey and Det. Linda Fieldhausen looking over paperwork at the reception desk of the 1985 IAWP conference in Anchorage.
AST Trooper Darlene Turner, Alaska Senator Arliss Sturgulewski, Safety Bear, and Shirley (Warner) Gifford at the 1985 Alaska IAWP annual training conference
APD Investigator Margaret Borrecco sporting the 1985 IAWP sweatshirt. The logo was designed by Alaskan Artist Jacqualine (Cote’) Suter