We are headed full steam ahead into Winter 2011-2012 here in Alaska. In advance of the winter season, we sponsored a very successful Women in Law Enforcement Career Fair at the University of Alaska Anchorage Student Union on October 5, 2011. This was our 3rd consecutive year sponsoring the career fair in partnership with the Alaska State Troopers, the Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police and the UAA Justice Center. This year we had fourteen booths representing local, state and federal law enforcement agencies across the state of Alaska. The crowds were steady all day with men, as well as women, students and the general public. See our photo collage on our webpage link for Police Recruiting Event. Photos from the 2011 career fair are courtesy of Barbara Armstrong of the UAA Justice Center who was very instrumental in making this year’s Women in Law Enforcement Career Fair a success.
As we near the end of 2011, I would like to hear from those of you who have news about promotions, job transfers, retirements, etc. so I can update the membership either through this newsletter, or in some cases, an e-mail blast. You will be receiving membership dues renewals in December where you can also update your address and e-mail information. You can send me news and information anytime to michele.logan@womenpoliceofalaska.org.
Our next membership meeting will be a luncheon at China Lights Buffet Restaurant at 9220 Old Seward on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 in Anchorage. This meeting is during the week of the APSC Executive Conference at the Dimond Center Hotel in Anchorage. Mark your calendars December 7; I hope to see as many of you there who can make it!
In the meantime, enjoy the rest of 2011 and stay safe!
Your President
Michele Logan